App Programmierung / München / iOS/Android
Entwickler Stats
ID | 2763 |
SCORE | 40 |
MEDALS | 0 |
REFS | 3 |
UPDATE | 2016-03-14 12:03:12 |
GEO | 48.0967/11.5287 |
HITS | 3583 |
Technopark81379 München
+91 471 2527102
- Sandip Gopakumar
Vom Entwickler unterstützte Betriebssysteme für App Entwicklung
Entwickler - Beschreibung
Palnars dedicated,highly skilled iPhone development team has been serving a wide range of client's and takes pride in being able to proactively translate a client's vision into fully functional iPhone and iPad Apps.Our team of iPhone developmens has a detailed understanding of the Apple platform and the latest components/frameworks involved including the Iphone SDK, Cocoa Touch Objective C,Interface Builder, OpenGL ES,Open AL,Game Center,iAd,InApp purchase, Core Audio, Core Animation, Core Graphics, WebKit Programming, Event Kit, Accelerometer, GPS and core Location Framework, XCODE,VISUAL STUDIO, wxWidgets PPC 2002/2003 SDK, .net Compact Framework, XCODE,VISUAL STUDIO. Palnar can help you in developing online/offline iPhone Web Application, and also assist you on other Apple approved third party development frameworks/tools including Adobe Packager for iphone, Coreplotor, iUI.
Referenzen von iOS/Android
Kategorie | Wirtschaft |
Betriebssysteme | iOS |
Beschreibung | Smartfox is a mobile App for visualisation of network procedures with statistical analysis upon the usage of Smartfox devices on user level.Central feature of the app is to grant the user mobile access to data about selling power, additional purchase of power, redirection of power via Smartfox, cost- and co2-reduction and a time-based analysis of usage, energy and power.In addition the configuration of the Smartfox within the local network can also be controlled from the Application. |
Kategorie | Wirtschaft |
Betriebssysteme | iOS |
Beschreibung | Yachting11 is a utility application for sailors who go for long/short sailing expeditions for leisure/business purposes. The application manages almost all aspects required in sailing. Keeping record of food, inventory, shopping list, trips list and route, power consumption record etc. It also manages sailors' complete details, including their personal/work and documents like passport etc. Additional utilities includes wind scales, navigation, unit converters, translators, backup and restore, MOB tool, anchor assists etc. It also has In-App purchase features. The app also uses core data framework to internally hold the data. |
Kategorie | Wirtschaft |
Betriebssysteme | Android |
Beschreibung | SWOP is a digital flea-market application whose android version is done by Palnar Transmedia. This app provides a platform for users to buy and sell unused goods. Amount raised through the sale will be donated to charity organizations in Germany. Our development team implemented the solutions to deliver a consolidated view of all products based on categories, and also enabled push notifications for client chat. Paypal integration was done in the app. |
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