App Programmierung / Berlin / SPRIGS
Entwickler Stats
ID | 2382 |
SCORE | 30 |
MEDALS | 0 |
REFS | 1 |
UPDATE | 2015-01-14 12:32:05 |
GEO | 0/0 |
HITS | 2521 |
Eislebener Strasse 410789 Berlin
Vom Entwickler unterstützte Betriebssysteme für App Entwicklung
WindowsEntwickler - Beschreibung
SPRIGS is an IT development company with offices in Amsterdam and Prishtina Kosovo. SPRIGS develops apps for governments, Healthcare organizations and won several national and international prizes for its products. We are flexible and can work under pressure and deliver in time
Referenzen von SPRIGS
Kategorie | Wirtschaft |
Betriebssysteme | iOS |
Beschreibung | An award winning app. Best E-health solution in 2014 of the Netherlands. The app was developed for a large healthcare organization called GGZ. Its a daybook app that can share its content with friends, family and medical staff |
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- Score von über 50
- Mindestens ein getätigter Kauf
- Premium Mitglied
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