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GPS tracking app (ID 2558)

Projektbeschreibung Need an Android Expert for a small application with the following functionality:

- GPS position of the Smartphone

Determine coordinates, store these local when no internet connection is available (interval 1 - 10 minute, adjustable) and send these when internet access is available for the Smartphone

- Sending Messages from the Smartphone

Have a big free text box from where you can send a message. When no internet connection is available, store local and send when access is there

Keep all send messages in a list with there status, send or not send

- Receiving Messages to the Smartphone via push-mode

When a new message arrives display an alert on the Smartphone. Make all incoming message visible in a list with a status, read or not read.

- Transfer order data

Push order data in a defined template on the phone and store there locally. Ability to update the information must be implemented.

- send back order related data

From the device, defined information must be send back. If there is no connection, the information must be stored and resend when connection is re-established.

The development will be in cooperation with our in-house IT departement in France in NL. Working language is english.
AEV Zusatzinfo aus Kundenkontakt - größeres Logistik Unternehmen / Kurierdienst

OS android

Veröffentlicht am11.07.2013
Angebotsfrist bisk.A.

Anfrager deaktivieren die Anfrage selbst, wenn ein Entwickler gefunden wurde

geplanter Endtermin k.A.

geplantes Budget € 10.000
Investitionsbereitschaft Projekt wird sicher umgesetzt

Sitz des Auftraggebers: 5730 Aspelt.

Der Standort des App Entwicklers ist für den Auftraggeber nicht relevant.

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