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NCQA (ID 2006)

Projektbeschreibung Introduction:
We provide support for domestic and international network operators, infrastructure manufacturers and public authorities in their wireless and data network quality assurance strategies. Our core competences lie within services tailored to network quality improvements, network audits, network optimization, network planning and benchmarking.
Project NCQA is targeted to perform network measurements on mobile devices. Currently we focus on Android and iOS.
Programming on Android (JAVA native) is on plan already. We now need support in porting/adjusting this onto iOS.
A framework development is positively evaluated (Titanium) but not started yet.
Additional support for further Android development/programming is intended, provided that the iOS part works out sufficiently.
Further support in Joomla/Typo 3 Web development is also planned.

The software developer is required to have at least 3-5 years experience in App- specifically in iOS programming.
Framework know-how is appreciated.
Working in Berlin (*Name des Anfragers*) Headquarter is mandatory.
Porting/adjusting the Android programming to iOS mobile devices
- Analyzing and Understanding the existing Android development/ programming
- Programming the porting/ adjusting to iOS mobile devices
- Documentation on programming

We estimate a timeframe of 2 month for the programming/ adjusting. This estimation is based on the experience that the Android programming took 4 month.
The final iOS APP should deliver the same measurement fields as the Android APP. The data itself may differ due to non programming circumstances or dependent on chosen hardware.

Payment Terms and Conditions:
Please provide us with your suggestions.
AEV Zusatzinfo aus Kundenkontakt - deutsche Firma aus Berlin sucht für dieses Projekt einen iOS Freelancer, der eng mit der Company zusammenarbeitet
- Anfragetext in Englisch, da der Anfrager auch an ausländischen Anbietern interessiert wäre
- u.U. auch Auftrag möglich, allerdings liegt kein konkretes Pflichtenheft vor
- technisch sehr affine Kontaktperson


Veröffentlicht am26.10.2012
Angebotsfrist bisk.A.

Anfrager deaktivieren die Anfrage selbst, wenn ein Entwickler gefunden wurde

geplanter Endtermin k.A.

geplantes Budget € 25.000
Investitionsbereitschaft Projekt wird sicher umgesetzt

Anfrage für regionale Programmierung

Der Auftraggeber bevorzugt Entwickler aus seiner Region.

Ort 10825 Berlin

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