Eine App wie diese entwicklen lassen?
Mit unserem Online-Tool ganz einfach Angebote von professionellen Entwicklern erhalten
Kategorie | Wirtschaft |
Betriebssysteme | android |
Beschreibung | Entwicklung eines Android Frameworks zur einfachen Erstellung von Messe-Guide-Apps. The NORTEC App gives you optimal support in preparation of your visit to the trade fair for manufacturing technology and ensures that you have all the important information handy at NORTEC 2014. That helps you to use your time there efficiently and to avoid missing any of the highlights. Contents of the App: • Exhibitor directory • Product categories • Brands/Products • Area plan • Supporting programme • General information (travel, opening times, visitor services, etc.) Kunde: corussoft GmbH, Berlin |
Link | play.google.com/store/apps/det... |
Entwickler | Ernst Klöcker Freelancer |

App Kategorien

ID 2546 | 860 | 0