Die RegForm App digitalisiert den Meldeschein für Hotels. Mit Hilfe von RegForm können Meldescheine digital ausgefüllt, ausgewertet und aufbewahrt werden. Dadurch kann das Personal potentielle Übertragungsfehler vermeiden und die Effizienz steigern.
Begleitapp zur Vorteilskarte „OstfrieslandCard“: „Entdecke, erlebe und genieße die schönsten Seiten von Ostfriesland und spare mit Deiner OSTFRIESLANDCARD App bei vielen regionalen Anbietern.“
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Packing List Travel Planner App
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The on-demand movers app development helps the user to discover the best helpers who can assist the customers in guaranteed professional packing, loading them and unloading the truck in the preferred location. Turnkeytown offers uber for movers like app development which are very robust and reliable.
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Invest in the cloning of Uber for towing service app at Turnkeytown and be of help for those who are strangled in the middle of the road with a breakdown vehicle. With our optimization and upgraded app feature, reaching out for towing service has become simpler.
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Make your way into the web taxi booking services that are steadily growing in recent years. A Taxi app development is removing the interest of entrepreneurs who wish to engrave their services among users. The app is incorporated with features like live tracking, fare estimation, the SOS push button, and a magnitude of trending features.
Carré Mobility ist die erste nachhaltige und soziale Mobilitätslösung direkt in deiner Nachbarschaft. Über unsere digitale Lösung verbinden wir einen lokalen Mitbring-Service mit einem stationsbasierten Fahrzeug-Sharing und einer Fahrgemeinschaftslösung.
Damit hast du die Mobilität, die du gerade brauchst, direkt in unmittelbarer Nähe zu deinem Wohn- oder Arbe...
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The market leader Appdupe helps entrepreneurs make an everlasting presence in the on-demand taxi sector with a leading-edge Uber alternative. The taxi clone app stands apart from the rest with its feature-packed front-end and efficient dispatcher algorithm. The pragmatic solution helps entrepreneurs regulate their fleet community efficiently without tearing a sweat.
As a measure...
Entwicklung der Flinkster App, Deutschlands größtem Carsharing-Netzwerk.
Funktionen: Suche und Vorausbuchung, Navigation zum Fahrzeug, Push-Nachricht mit Kosten und Dauer der Fahrt direkt nach der Ankunft, Anzeige der letzten Rechnungen, Öffnung des Fahrzeugs per App, Anzeige von Fahrzeugschäden.
- Nutzerregistrierung via App
- Anzeige von verfügbaren Fahrrädern am gewählten Standort inklusive Entfernungsangaben
- Buchung und Rückgabe mittels App – ohne Buchungsanruf
- Interaktive Symbole für die Positionen der Räder auf der Karte
- Nutzung aller bekannten Routingfunktionen der Navigations-App
- Funktion in allen Call a Bike-Städten und -Systemen
- Einfache Sc...
Entwicklung eines smarten Mobilitätstools als White-Label-Lösung für Deutsche Bahn Connect GmbH mit einem integrierten Angebot verschiedener Mobility Services. Damit lassen sich neben einem Dienstwagen ein Platz in einem firmeninternen Shuttlebus, eine Mitfahrgelegenheit oder auch ein Carsharing-Anbieter buchen und nutzen.
Mit der neuen Mobility-as-a-Service Lösung können Busi...
Gerade Vielfahrern soll „Homezone“ das Leben erleichtern. Das neue E-Ticketsystem bringt für User die Möglichkeit, eine Zone der Größe ihrer Wahl zu erstellen, in welcher ohne weiteres in jeden Bus und jede Bahn eingestiegen werden kann. Beim Austritt aus der Homezone kann man automatisch bis zum Wiedereintritt in die Homezone im Entfernungstarif weiter fahren.
Die Featur...
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On-demand Electric Scooter business is gaining traction since the advent of apps such as Bird and Jump. E-scooters are one of the most popular vehicles as they are green, convenient, and manoeuvrable in the traffic. Uber for e-scooter clone from AppDupe will help you develop an Uber-like app for your e-scooter business at the quickest time. With a user-friendly UI/UX, users can sign...
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With the growing age of technology, smartphones and other smart devices, companies have been rapidly evolving their operations to remain relevant in the market. One of the oldest industries in business is transportation. With the growing economy, people are opting for taxi services and the trend is not showing signs of slowing down.With on-demand taxi services on the rise, it is the...
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Due to the sheer increase in the size of the smartphone app market and the on-demand delivery market, we can easily decipher that there is a mobile app for almost anything. For instance, from ordering the favorite food to get it delivered at the doorstep to booking parlors and booking holiday destinations, everything is now done in just a few clicks and taps here and there.
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On-demand taxi services are in high demand worldwide. Taking advantage of this market requirement and approaching high-end developers with expertise in the field of Taxi App Development can take your business to new altitudes. We are a leading taxi app developer and provide customizable solutions that will help you Build Taxi Booking App that is user-friendly and robust app in no ti...
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Dominate the transportation industry with the best corporate taxi solution from our Appdupe. The solution will allow you to manage everything starting by offering you a robust admin dashboard and excellent features. Don’t waste your time anymore and get in touch with our team for a free demo.
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We offer Uber for e-scooters app solutions that help you set up your e-scooter business in the shortest time possible. Our on-demand e-scooter app development solutions are pre-loaded with all features needed to garner a massive customer base.
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The on-demand taxi apps right from their introduction have seen the success grow exponentially. By providing convenience to its users at low expenses, the ride-hailing apps have become a sensation both for the customers and for the entrepreneurs looking for new opportunities.
People have started to ditch the traditional taxi bookings with these new apps because of the ease that th...