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App Entwicklung Branchenverzeichnis (ID 6839)

Projektbeschreibung Hi Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to get an app created with the following description and would like to get a price range of what that will cost, with and without a website. I am a private entity.

App process

-Click on the app and Logo appears. While loading search results, logo appears too (maybe).

-Choose language from a box in the middle of the screen.

-Get a welcome tutorial on your first time.

-Now 3 options appear in the middle of the screen; log in, register, guest.
-Log in: you log in with email or social media (you stay logged in till you log out and forgot password option will be there too).
-Register: you register with email or social media and it's optional to add address.
-Guest: you get sent to the next page.

You also get sent to the next page after logging in or registring.

-Next page: at the top of the screen, there is a box to enter an address or select actual location. There is a smaller box near this one to filter distance from address or actual location (10km, 20km...). These 2 boxes will almost always be at the top of the screen. Under these 2, there are 2 boxes; "Business"(B) and "Services"(S). You will have the option to skip this step and get to the next page.

-After choosing between 1 of these 3 options or if you skipped, a list of main categories appear (Fashion, Beauty and Cosmetics, Food and Drinks...). You choose a category and a list of businesses pertaining to your choice will appear (you can switch between list and map view).
-Now, you can filter even more at the top of the screen (under the address bar) Example: you chose Food and Drinks, now at the top you can filter between Restaurants, Bars, Cafes... and your list will be updated (you can choose multiple filters).
-Under the name of each business, their speciality might be written, example: under the name of a restaurant, italian, turkish, brunch only... speciality.

-From your final search result, you click on the name (maybe with logo) of the B/S you prefer and a new page pops up.

-On this page you will see all the info about the B/S (links, opening hours, updates...) and you can give a Feedback (which will be sent to me and the business owner directly).

-Address will be connected to Gmaps for directions.

-Either copy phone number or get redirected to your call screen.

-Get redirected for social media links.

-Option to click return and get back to your filtered list.

- 3 Languages, English, French and German.

-You are able to save business addresses to your account.

-In-app notifications when we add new B/S around you.

-Able to run Ads on the app.

Thank you,
AEV Zusatzinfo aus Kundenkontakt Update 06.08.2020: das Projekt ist noch aktuell, des folgt deutscher Beschreibungstext

Anfrager spricht sehr gut deutsch.

OS iOSandroid

Veröffentlicht am22.07.2020
Angebotsfrist bis07.09.2020

Anfrager deaktivieren die Anfrage selbst, wenn ein Entwickler gefunden wurde

geplanter Endtermin 31.12.2020

geplantes Budget € 15.000
Investitionsbereitschaft Projekt wird sicher umgesetzt

Sitz des Auftraggebers: 40223 Düsseldorf.

Der Standort des App Entwicklers ist für den Auftraggeber nicht relevant.

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