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White-label Super App
Kategorie | Dienstprogramme |
Betriebssysteme | iOS |
Beschreibung | Getting along with the trend is inevitable, especially for businesses. To stand out from the rivalries, it is important to keep pace with the trend and offer services accordingly. One of the latest trends that are making rounds is on-demand delivery services. Users find on-demand services as the most beneficial for accomplishing their needs. To sort out the purpose of delivering multiple services, Appdupe has developed white-label super app using which entrepreneurs can develop multi services app like Gojek, Grab and WeChat. What is so special about the app? The app can serve several deliveries and other services like food delivery, beauty services, grocery delivery, etc. Well, you have to know the features of the app. - Schedule delivery - Real-time tracking - Route optimizer - Fare calculator - Estimated time of delivery - Geo-fencing Know more, https://www.appdupe.com/gojek-clone Mail us through info@appdupe.com or call us +91 9791101817 |
Link | www.appdupe.com/gojek-clone... |
Entwickler | Uber Clone with Safety Addons for COVID-19 |
*Die Referenzbilder dieses Entwicklers werden aktuell nicht angezeigt, weil sich der Entwickler dafür noch nicht qualifiziert hat. Eine Qualifikation ist durch eine dieser Optionen möglich:"
- Score von über 50
- Mindestens ein getätigter Kauf
- Premium Mitglied
Die Qualifikation ist notwendig, um rechtliche Risiken durch das Anzeigen von Bildmaterial zu minimieren.
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