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Programmierung einer Facebook App & Reiseführer iOS/Android (ID 788)

Projektbeschreibung Basic mechanics: Users create an event, share it, and invite others to participate – events can also be set up for your friends
•Each event will expire/end based on user defined timeframe, but each event can be edited by the creator (or possibly other participants as well)
•The system must automatically generate reminders in different formats (FB messages, emails, SMS)

•The system will involve the use of FB credits at various points throughout the game.
•FB credits collectable and transferrable amongst users and potential third parties.
•Graphics will be limited to icons from which users can choose as relevant to their event, ability to upload their own graphics if desired.
•Backend will require database and the following (basic):
–User's information
–Various third party links, ability to move FB credits
–Interface with FB friends and non-FB users (optional)

We are an international start-up and willing to pay for services rendered, or negotiate an equity agreement. Our team also has several other ideas for high-quality, high-value professional grade applications in which the right individual could get involved with as well.

Zweites Projekt: Programmierung einer iOS / Android - Reiseführer App
Budget: Verhandlungssache

- Quiz Form
- Integration von GPS-Ortung
- Integration von Werbung
- Keine Schnittstelle zu Social Media
- Storybook wird geliefert
- Screen Design wird nicht geliefert


Veröffentlicht am25.08.2011
Angebotsfrist bisk.A.

Anfrager deaktivieren die Anfrage selbst, wenn ein Entwickler gefunden wurde

geplanter Endtermin k.A.

geplantes Budget € 10.000
Investitionsbereitschaft zunächst nur Preisanfrage

Der Standort des App Entwicklers ist für den Auftraggeber nicht relevant.

aktuelle Anfragen