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3D Simulation (ID 6344)

Projektbeschreibung 3D Simulation, alongside its little brother - augmented reality, has quickly become a rewarding topic throughout the vast majority of businesses. The Worldwide 3D Simulation (Virtual Reality) market expects a general evaluation of over $26 Billion at the end of 2022 based on a report released by Zion Market Research Virtual Reality Company in India 3D Simulation

3D Simulation Obviously, I think we're on the advantage or infinite data bandwidth also. Sending the granules of 3D Simulation or 3D Simulation items on photons of light, yes this is the newest buzz at the research physics globe nowadays. However, these technical problems will be defeated as the needs of customers skyrockets for 3D Simulation products along with also the"3D Simulation Experience" within their human lifetime experience 3D Simulation

OS android

Veröffentlicht am08.02.2019
Angebotsfrist bisk.A.

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geplanter Endtermin 17.05.2022

geplantes Budget € 200
Investitionsbereitschaft Projekt wird sicher umgesetzt

Sitz des Auftraggebers: 11001 New Delhi.

Der Standort des App Entwicklers ist für den Auftraggeber nicht relevant.

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