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Archivierte Anfrage zur App Programmierung

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Design und Entwicklung einer nativen Android App (MVP) (ID 6287)

Projektbeschreibung Our mission is to improve the communication between home owners and construction professionals by creating a new app that they can use to interact with each other.

We need help to design and build an MVP to test our idea in the market. For the MVP, it should be an Android native app. Later on, we want to add an iOS version, and new functionality for both will be added in consecutive releases.

Timeline for project: Start 28.01.2019. MVP (see functionality below) completed until 22.3.2019

Functionality of the MVP:
- Chat in WhatsApp-Style (with possibility to send text, files and photos)
- Create new customer project, send onboarding-link to customer through SMS app or e-mail app
- Show all pictures and files uploaded
- Add other people to the project+chat
- Send notifications through Google FCM
- Some content from the web should be embedded with a WebView

Other/non-functional requirements:
- Development should be native, preferably Java.
- We will use Trello for the project and slack as main means of communication.
- All sources will be hosted on GitHub, all comments etc. in English.
- We will provide the REST API, backend functionality (presumably AWS) and userpool (presumably Cognito)
- Localization: App will be delivered for German and English, other languages follow later

OS android

Veröffentlicht am03.01.2019
Angebotsfrist bis07.01.2019

Anfrager deaktivieren die Anfrage selbst, wenn ein Entwickler gefunden wurde

geplanter Endtermin 22.03.2019

geplantes Budget € 25.000
Investitionsbereitschaft Projekt wird sicher umgesetzt

Anfrage für regionale Programmierung

Der Auftraggeber bevorzugt Entwickler aus seiner Region.

Ort 80807 München

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