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Korean Shaman (ID 5340)

Projektbeschreibung The app we are planning will support people to treat their little ailments or complaints on their own with simple aids or remedies. The patient will localize the complaints (e.g. stomach, head, digestive tract) and specify his or her complaints thereafter (pain: stabbing, pulling,…; diarrhea, tummy rumbling). The app will then determine a treatment from a database (in the app) which will most likely help against the complaints.
Additionally, there will be an area in the app with meditations from the Korean Shaman (maybe to download to the app).
Second step (which is not yet discussed) could be, that the users of the app can “vote” in the app, whether the treatment helped them or not. And they can add their household remedies to the database.

OS iOSandroid

Veröffentlicht am28.03.2017
Angebotsfrist bis03.04.2017

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geplanter Endtermin k.A.

geplantes Budget € 1.000
Investitionsbereitschaft zunächst nur Preisanfrage

Sitz des Auftraggebers: 3240 Mank.

Der Standort des App Entwicklers ist für den Auftraggeber nicht relevant.

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