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MCM (Melia Connect Mates) (ID 5027)

Projektbeschreibung Good Morning,

The project that we have in mind is to implement an app with three major objectives:

-Social network: where all the workmates are interconnected and they can ask and answer questions about their daily tasks, share best practices...

-Reporting: where the most importants KPI´s for the company are showed in different graphics and the employeers con customize the data that appears on those graphics (example by chosing the hotel, the period...). Data provided through SAP Browser.

-Gammification: to encourage the workers to do some daily tasks in a different way. They will be rewarded according to their performance and there would be a ranking where it is shown who is performing it better.

That´s the main idea. Any other additional idea from your side would be welcomed. We could arrange a meeting in order to explain it better. Anyways, in the following link you can see a short presentation to see the big picture about what we have in mind: (*WebLink zur Präsentation*)

We would appreciate a short answer to be informed about the time it will take to design this app and the budget provided for.

Thank you very much and looking forward your answer,

Alejandra Puigserver,
Project Development Department.
Meliá Hotels International

OS iOSandroidweb-app

Veröffentlicht am24.10.2016
Angebotsfrist bis06.11.2016

Anfrager deaktivieren die Anfrage selbst, wenn ein Entwickler gefunden wurde

geplanter Endtermin 31.12.2016

geplantes Budget € 10.000
Investitionsbereitschaft zunächst nur Preisanfrage

Sitz des Auftraggebers: 40880 Ratingen.

Der Standort des App Entwicklers ist für den Auftraggeber nicht relevant.

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