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App for hardness testing & conversion (ID 3798)

Projektbeschreibung - We are looking to develop an app. which would have a basic calculator type function - this would simply convert figures which would be inputted manually and not exported from the application.

- The formulas behind the conversion would be fixed - the only changes between uses would be the formula chosen and the input/ output. For examples of These calculations please see (*website*)

- We are looking for this to be as straight forward and simple to use as possible as it would be a quick-fix for these types of calculation, as opposed to our customers having to work the formulas out themselves.

- To start with I believe we would really be looking for just one screen within the application - no log-in would be required.

- Ideally we could have an options menu/ drop down on the screen to choose which conversion needs to me made - then just a free-text field for the input of the figures. This would then run the formula and provide a figure in the output box...

- The app will not need to interface with any outside sources - all formulas can be pre-determined and entered into the app - the output figures will not need to be exported anywhere.

- The only things that may be 'nice to have' at this stage would be links to our website and twitter - however, this is not necessary as the app will be stand alone.

OS iOSandroid

Veröffentlicht am04.12.2014
Angebotsfrist bisk.A.

Anfrager deaktivieren die Anfrage selbst, wenn ein Entwickler gefunden wurde

geplanter Endtermin k.A.

geplantes Budget € 6.000
Investitionsbereitschaft zunächst nur Preisanfrage

Sitz des Auftraggebers: 89079 Ulm.

Der Standort des App Entwicklers ist für den Auftraggeber nicht relevant.

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