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Erwachsenen – Spielplatz Finder (ID 3346)

Projektbeschreibung Hello my friends,

fitness center you can find everywhere - but you have to pay each month for it, sometimes a lot!

Our APP have to work together with our company "HERZTAKT", we do our sports OUTSIDE ... and normally, everybody can do this everywhere, also ALONE - BUT, sometimes it would be cool to practise on an specail playground for sporty guns ;-)

And this place we like to FIND with this APP and if this place don´t exist in our database - our customers must have the posibility to UPLOAD there "HOME PLAYGROUND" with one picture and an small discribtion.

That´s nearly all .....

The PAY VERSION should have some extra skills, like an bigger profile, the possibility to chat and have contact with other users, fightings, uploading there training plans, showing some pictures and videos of there training ... that´s it!!

OS iOSandroid

Veröffentlicht am17.06.2014
Angebotsfrist bisk.A.

Anfrager deaktivieren die Anfrage selbst, wenn ein Entwickler gefunden wurde

geplanter Endtermin k.A.

geplantes Budget € 3.000
Investitionsbereitschaft zunächst nur Preisanfrage


Anrede Herr
Vorname Hinrich
Name Fuchs
Straße / Hausnr. Hirtenstr.
PLZ / Ort 30974 Wennigsen
email hinrichfuchs@t-online.de
Telefon 01714112501

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