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Playlist App (ID 1125)

Projektbeschreibung Dear Sir, dear Madam,

I'm starting a small record label. I want to have an app developed that allows people to listen to our playlists from their smartphones and ipads without
having to view any other content on the site. Something simple. We won't sell the app, and really, something that already exists might work, as long as it can be customized to our site.

Many thanks,
Gary Schultz

OS iOSandroid

Veröffentlicht am26.01.2012
Angebotsfrist bisk.A.

Anfrager deaktivieren die Anfrage selbst, wenn ein Entwickler gefunden wurde

geplanter Endtermin k.A.

geplantes Budget € 2.000
Investitionsbereitschaft Projekt wird sicher umgesetzt


Anrede Mr.
Vorname Gary
Name Schultz
Straße / Hausnr.
PLZ / Ort 10961 Berlin
email schultzgg@gmail.com
Telefon 0177 558 2609

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