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social app (ID 5047)

Projektbeschreibung Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to offer an social app in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. However, since I have a very complex app and only limited programming skills, I need help.
My app should contain the following components: Login via Mail / Facebook, creating user accounts, assigning user profiles according to criteria, user overview of all matching profiles, user filtering options, a search function, possibly an evaluation of the users. And a chat function with selected users.
Can you create an app with all of these modules?
What would it cost approximately?
How long would that take?
Many thanks for your help

With best regards
Florian Bonn

OS iOSandroid

Veröffentlicht am08.11.2016
Angebotsfrist bisk.A.

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geplanter Endtermin k.A.

geplantes Budget € 6.000
Investitionsbereitschaft zunächst nur Preisanfrage

Sitz des Auftraggebers: 01219 Dresden.

Der Standort des App Entwicklers ist für den Auftraggeber nicht relevant.

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