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Live-Auktionen App Entwicklung (ID 2392)

Projektbeschreibung Scope of the project:
The project is about the implementation of the virtual auction room for online live auctions. The virtual auction room consists of two parts:
1. The bidding interface which supports placing of bids, asking the auctioneer a question and to watch the status of the auction. This also includes some kind of online auction catalogue showing the top facts about the current and all other items in the auction
2. The low latency live stream which currently supports two video stream quality levels (HD and SD) as well as the sound only quality and additionally (depending on the particular auction) one or several additional synchronized language versions of all stream qualities.
The app should be optimized for tablets and for mobile phones. While we assume that concept and user experience of the tablet version will be more or less similar to the one implemented in the web version, we currently assume that the mobile phone version will or could be significantly different from the tablet version.
AEV Zusatzinfo aus Kundenkontakt - Kunde ist ein großes deutsches Auktionshaus
- Englischkenntnisse obligatorisch

OS iOSandroid

Veröffentlicht am25.04.2013
Angebotsfrist bisk.A.

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geplanter Endtermin k.A.

geplantes Budget € 50.000
Investitionsbereitschaft zunächst nur Preisanfrage

Anfrage für regionale Programmierung

Der Auftraggeber bevorzugt Entwickler aus seiner Region.

Ort 10719 Berlin

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